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Wisata Fotogenik di Big Garden Corner
Destinasi wisata di Bali bukan hanya pantai, pura, danau, dan air terjun. Masih banyak obyek menarik dan antimainstream yang belum diketahui wisatawan umum, salah satunya Big Garden Corner.
Obyek yang dibuka sejak pertengahan 2016 ini pada dasarnya adalah galeri seni batu yang menghadirkan berbagai konsep dan tema. Ada lebih dari 600 patung berukuran kecil hingga besar ditata di taman di dalamnya.
Big Garden Corner berlokasi di kawasan Padang Galak, Sanur, tepatnya di Jalan By Pass Ngurah Rai, Kesiman. Tempat ini buka pukul 12.00-20.00 WITA.
Peminat dunia fotografi direkomendasikan datang ke sini, sebab pengalaman berwisata di dalamnya terbilang unik. Pengunjung ditantang untuk menyajikan gambar-gambar obyek menarik, bahkan hasil akhirnya bisa menipu karena obyek foto dibuat seakan benar-benar berada di tempat aslinya. Pengunjung dikenakan tiket masuk Rp 25 ribu per orang, sudah termasuk free softdrink.
Beberapa zona yang bisa dijumpai, antara lain terowongan cinta. Ini adalah salah satu spot foto favorit pengunjung yang membawa pasangan. Terowongan ini berbentuk hati yang dirangkai dengan bunga aneka warna. Saat pengunjung menjejaki terowongan, rasanya dunia milik berdua.
Kedua, patung Buddha. Ada banyak patung Buddha berbagai pose ditempatkan di sini. Patung Buddha tidur (Sleeping Buddha) adalah salah satu obyek foto paling digandrungi pengunjung. Ukuran patungnya sangat besar. Ada juga patung Buddha tertawa (Laughing Buddha) yang dipercaya membawa keberuntungan dan kemakmuran.
Ketiga, replika Candi Borobudur. Replika atau miniatur candi yang menjadi salah satu keajaiban dunia ini memiliki tinggi lima meter. Pengunjung paling banyak antre berfoto di titik ini. Ibu-ibu yang membawa anak kecil usahakan tetap mengawasi anak. Jangan sampai si kecil memanjati replika candi ini sebab batu-batunya tidak direkat sempurna, sebab pada dasarnya seluruh patung batu di Big Garden Corner bisa diekspor atau diperjualbelikan.
Keempat, rumah pohon. Rumah berukuran kecil yang menjadi spot favorit bermain anak-anak. Imajinasi mereka seakan dibawa saat mengeksplorasi rumah pohon mini ini.
Kelima, terowongan pohon. Batang pohon tua saling menyilang ini sangat khas dan unik. Pemandangan seperti ini terbilang langka dan terbukti harga jual batang-batang pohon ini sangat mahal.
Keenam, balebengong. Balebengong - gazebo etnik gaya Bali - di taman ini dilengkapi dengan umbul-umbul dan bantal warna-warni. Pengunjung yang tidak kebagian tempat di bale bisa santai duduk di rumput taman yang sudah difasilitasi dengan bantal-bantal santai terbuat dari gabus styrofoam. Pemandangan hijaunya memanjakan mata. Taman bermain anak persis berada di samping balebengong ini. Ada mainan jungkat-jungkit, ayunan, hingga perosotan.
Ketujuh, atap payung warna-warni. Lokasi ini menjadi titik foto prewedding paling disukai. Calon pengantin hanya dikenakan biaya Rp 200 ribu untuk berfoto. Big Garden Corner juga menyediakan tempat untuk menggelar resepsi pernikahan berkonsep luar ruangan (outdoor) dengan daya tampung hingga seribu undangan.
Kedelapan, replika Standing Stones. Pernah mendengar istilah Standing Stones? Ini adalah kumpulan batu-batu berukuran besar yang berdiri menjulang tinggi. Masyarakat Inggris di Wiltshire menyebutnya Stonehenge. Batu-batu ini dipercaya berasal dari zaman neolitikum. Saat berfoto di sini, pengunjung bisa merasakan atmosfir ala Inggris yang cukup kental.
Kesembilan, patung membaca koran. Lima patung pria sedang duduk sambil membaca koran menjadi obyek menarik berikutnya di Big Garden Corner. Patung yang dicat warna-warni ini tampak serius dengan bacaannya. Obyek seperti ini - jika Anda berkunjung ke luar negeri - juga banyak dijumpai, di antaranya di Australia Square, Sydney.
Pengunjung yang lapar bisa berjalan ke restoran di lokasi ini. Sepiring rujak salak dibanderol Rp 15 ribu. Ada juga menu chicken salad (Rp 45 ribu), chicken finger (Rp 45 ribu), dragon ball pasta (Rp 50 ribu), spageti saos ayam cincang (Rp 55 ribu), hingga pasta bolognaise (Rp 55 ribu).
Area terbuka ini kondisinya panas di siang hari, sehingga waktu paling pas untuk berkunjung adalah menjelang sore hari, mulai pukul 15.00 WITA. Aktivitas wisata lainnya banyak, mulai dari berswafoto, wisata edukatif, wisata sejarah mengenal seni dan budaya Bali, rekreasi, atau sekadar relaksasi sambil selonjoran kaki. Pengunjung tak jarang tertidur pulas di balebengong saat menikmati siang sambil mendengar alunan musik tradisional.
Mewah dan berkelas adalah dua kata yang pas untuk menggambarkan Big Garden Corner. Datang ke tempat ini bisa membuat mata lebih rileks dan hati lebih tenang.
Photogenic Tourism in Big Garden Corner
Bali is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Indonesia, even the world. This island of the gods offers a variety of tourist attractions, from beaches, temples, lakes, to waterfalls. However, there are also unique and off-the-beaten-path tourist attractions in Bali, one of which is Big Garden Corner.
Big Garden Corner is a stone art gallery that presents various concepts and themes. There are more than 600 statues of small to large sizes arranged in the garden inside.
This tourist attraction is located in the Padang Galak area, Sanur, precisely on Jalan By Pass Ngurah Rai, Kesiman. The place is open from 12:00 to 20:00 WITA.
Photography enthusiasts are recommended to come here, because the travel experience inside is quite unique. Visitors are challenged to present interesting object images, even the final results can be deceiving because the photo objects are made to look like they are actually in their original location. Visitors are charged an entrance fee of Rp 25,000 per person, which includes a free soft drink.
Some zones that can be found include the tunnel of love. This is one of the favorite photo spots for visitors with couples. The tunnel is shaped like a heart that is strung with flowers of various colors. When visitors walk through the tunnel, it feels like the world belongs to the two of them.
Second, the Buddha statue. There are many Buddha statues of various poses placed here. The sleeping Buddha statue (Sleeping Buddha) is one of the most popular photo objects for visitors. The size of the statue is very large. There is also a laughing Buddha statue (Laughing Buddha) which is believed to bring good luck and prosperity.
Third, the replica of Borobudur Temple. This replica or miniature of the temple which is one of the wonders of the world is five meters high. Visitors line up for the most photos at this point. Mothers who bring young children should keep an eye on their children. Do not let your child climb the replica of the temple because the stones are not perfectly glued, because basically all stone statues in Big Garden Corner can be exported or sold.
Fourth, the tree house. A small house that is a favorite spot for children to play. Their imagination is as if taken away when exploring this miniature tree house.
Fifth, the tree tunnel. The crossed old tree trunks are very unique and unique. This view is quite rare and it is proven that the selling price of the tree trunks is very expensive.
Sixth, balebengong. Balebengong - a Balinese ethnic gazebo - in this park is equipped with bunting and colorful cushions. Visitors who do not get a place in the bale can relax sitting on the grass of the park which has been equipped with comfortable cushions made of styrofoam cork. The green scenery is pleasing to the eye. The children's playground is located right next to this balebengong. There are swings, swings, and slides.
Seventh, colorful umbrella roof. This location is the most popular prewedding photo spot. Prospective brides and grooms are only charged Rp 200,000 to take pictures. Big Garden Corner also provides a place to hold an outdoor wedding reception with a capacity of up to a thousand invitations.
Eighth, replica of Standing Stones. Have you heard of the term Standing Stones? This is a collection of large boulders that stand tall. The English people in Wiltshire call it Stonehenge. These rocks are believed to date back to the Neolithic era. When taking pictures here, visitors can feel the atmosphere of England that is quite thick.
Ninth, statue reading the newspaper. Five statues of men sitting while reading the newspaper become the next interesting object at Big Garden Corner. These statues painted in colorful colors look serious with their reading. Objects like this - if you visit abroad - are also common, including in Australia Square, Sydney.
Visitors who are hungry can walk to the restaurant at this location. A plate of salak rujak is priced at Rp 15,000. There are also menu chicken salad (Rp 45,000), chicken finger (Rp 45,000), dragon ball pasta (Rp 50,000), spageti with minced chicken sauce (Rp 55,000), to pasta bolognaise (Rp 55,000).
This open area is hot in the afternoon, so the best time to visit is in the afternoon, starting at 15:00 WITA. Other tourist activities are many, ranging from selfies, educational tourism, historical tourism to learn about Balinese arts and culture, recreation, or just relaxation while stretching your legs. Visitors often fall asleep soundly in the balebengong while enjoying the afternoon while listening to traditional music.
Luxurious and classy are two words that fit to describe Big Garden Corner. Coming to this place can make your eyes more relaxed and your heart calmer.
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