Ida Ratu Mas Melanting

Jika melewati Jalan Gajah Mada, warga akan menemui tiga patung di kawasan tersebut yang kini menjadi ikon baru Kota Denpasar, Bali.

Ada patung Ratu Mas Melanting di depan Pura Melanting Pasar Badung Denpasar dan patung Sang Kala Tri Semaya yang mengapit jembatan di jalan tersebut.

Setelah 7 bulan berproses, patung Ratu Mas Melanting pun rampung.

Patung tersebut kini terpasang di depan Pura Melanting Pasar Badung Denpasar.

Pemasangan dilakukan, Rabu 1 Desember 2021 siang di bawah hujan gerimis yang mengguyur kota

Patung ini berwujud seorang perempuan yang berdiri dan di tangan kirinya membawa daksina, sementara di tangan kanannya memegang uang kepeng.

Ratu Mas Melanting merupakan patung karya seniman Kota Denpasar, Putu Marmar Herayukti yang selama ini dikenal sebagai seniman ogoh-ogoh dan seniman tato asal Banjar Gemeh, Desa Dauh Puri Kangin, Denpasar.

Ditemui dalam pemasangan patung di kawasan Pasar Badung, Marmar menceritakan pengalamannya selama pembuatan patung ini.

Ia menghabiskan waktu 7 bulan untuk menyelesaikan patung ini, dimana 2 bulan pertama ia lewati dengan melakukan perencanaan dan belajar.

Selanjutnya 5 bulan berikutnya barulah ia mulai menggarap patung ini.

Pengerjaan model awal patung ini dilakukan di Desa Mas, Ubud, Gianyar.

Proses selanjutnya dilanjutkan dengan membuat model cetak menjadi cetak fiber.

Setelah itu, cetakan tersebut dibawa ke Jawa Tengah untuk proses cor logam karena memang di Bali belum ada cor logam.

“Patung ini terbuat dari perunggu. Setelah empat bulan pengerjaan model, saya sebulan di Jawa Tengah untuk cor logam,” katanya.

Terakhir, dilakukan finishing karena banyak lekukan yang tak sesuai pada patung ini.

“Kenapa patung Ratu Mas Melanting? Karena patung ini diletakkan di titik nol perekonomian Kota Denpasar yakni Pasar Badung. Apalagi kita tahu bahwa Denpasar itu berarti di utara pasar, dimana Den artinya utara. Jadi pasar ini sangat penting bagi sektor perekonomian masyarakat,” tutur marmar.

Marmar ingin, patung ini menjadi ikon kemakmuran masyarakat di Kota Denpasar.

Ada pesan khusus yang ia angkat lewat patung ini, yakni terkait prinsip dalam dunia perdagangan maupun kehidupan yakni adil, jujur, dan bermutu.

“Sepanjang pembuatan patung ini saya banyak belajar tentang nilai keluhuran yakni adil, jujur dan bermutu,” katanya.

Dalam pembuatan patung ini, Marmar juga mengaku tidak menemukan banyak kendala.

“Meskipun ini patung pertama yang saya buat, namun tidak ada banyak kendala. Mungkin semesta sudah merestui,” katanya.

Dirinya pun mengaku banyak merasakan pengalaman spiritual dalam pengerjaan patung ini.

“Pengalaman spiritual banyak, banyak disadarkan dan diberikan kemudahan dan saya rasa ini bukan kebetulan. Semua adalah restu dari beliau,” katanya.

“Ini adalah pengalaman yang luar biasa ini magic banget, karena saya bisa menyelesaikan dengan baik tanpa ada pengalaman sebelumnya dalam membuat patung logam,” katanya.

Untuk diketahui, patung ini memiliki tinggi 4,5 meter, dan lebar 1,5 meter.

Sementara itu, patung bertema Sang Kala Tri Semaya mengapit jembatan Jalan Gajah Mada yang dibuat oleh seniman Denpasar I yakni Nyoman Gede Sentana Putra yang akrab disapa Kedux Garage.

Pemasangan patung ini dilaksanakan, Selasa 30 November 2021, pukul 22.30 Wita hingga Rabu pagi.

Dalam proses pemasangannya, untuk satu patung membutuhkan waktu kurang lebih dua jam hingga patung bisa berdiri dengan sempurna.

Pembuat patung ini, Kedux menuturkan, pembuatan patung ini bermula dari permintaan pembuat desain Kumbasari yakni Ketut Siandana.

Kedux diminta untuk merespon jembatan Gajah Mada dengan patung.

“Jembatan ini kemudian saya anggap lalu lintas manusia, dan saya berpikir raksasa atau boma apa yang cocok,” katanya.

Setelah itu, ia pun memutuskan untuk membuat patung Sang Kala Tri Semaya.

Jumlah kala ini sebenarnya yakni 108, dan diambil dua dari 108 bentuk tersebut dan direalisasikan menjadi patung.

“Saya ambil yang bentuk fisik raksasanya mendekati anatomi manusia. Aksesorisnya juga tidak pakai gelungan karena sesuai penempatannya. Beda dengan di pura kan ada gelungan,” tutur Kedux.

Kedux menambahkan, Sang Kala Tri Semaya ini merupakan kala yang turun ke dunia pada zaman Kaliyuga untuk menjaga manusia.

Dalam pembuatan dua patung ini, Kedux membutuhkan waktu selama tiga bulan.

Ia dibantu oleh beberapa rekannya untuk mengukir detail aksesoris patung dan dibuat di Kediri, Singapadu, Gianyar.

Patung ini dibuat dengan paras cor dengan tinggi 3 meter, dan bobot satu patung 3.3 ton.

Semantara untuk lebar patung 120 cm dan tinggi pedestal atau alas patung 130 cm.

“Saya yang membuat bentuknya dan proporsi patung. Sementara teman-teman membantu untuk membuat ukiran aksesorisnya. Waktunya cukup mepet tiga bulan. Kalau tidak dibantu, tidak bisa cepat,” akunya. Pembuatan patung ini pun mengalami beberapa kendala terkait pencarian bentuk boma atau raksasa.

Apalagi ini merupakan patung pertama yang dibuat oleh Kedux.

“Awalnya saya berpikir boma itu sederhana, tapi setelah saya buat, banyak hal yang harus dipelajari. Misal tangan kanan bawa senjata, kaki kiri yang naik,” katanya.

Selain itu, dirinya juga harus mencaritahu perbedaan style boma Denpasar atau Bebadungan, Gianyar, tahun 1970-an hingga tahun 1940-an.

Sementara itu, untuk aksesoris atau pepayasan patung, idenya ia ambil dari Patung Catur Muka.

Selain itu, inspirasinya juga diambil dari beberapa patung yang ada di kawasan Jalan Gajah Mada seperti Pura Maospahit, maupun Grengceng.

“Karena ini satu kesatuan agar bentuknya matching makanya saya acuannya ke Catur Muka lebih banyak dan ada beberapa patung lainnya di sekitaran Gajah Mada,” katanya.

Pengerjaan patung ini baru selesai Senin, 29 November 2021 malam dan paginya langsung dibawa ke Denpasar.

Bagi Kedux, karakter Denpasar khususnya Bebadungan harus tetap dipertahankan dan diangkat agar tidak hilang.

“Bagaimana kita mempertahankan karakter dari karya nenek moyang kita. Jangan sampai semua bangunan menggunakan karakter luar,” katanya.

Oleh karena itu, dalam pembuatan patung ini ia berusaha menggunakan acuan style bebadungan. (I putu supartika)


If you pass through Gajah Mada Street, you will encounter three statues in the area, which have now become the new icons of Denpasar, Bali.

There is a statue of Ratu Mas Melanting in front of Pura Melanting Pasar Badung Denpasar and a statue of Sang Kala Tri Semaya flanking the bridge on that street.

After 7 months of work, the statue of Ratu Mas Melanting is finally completed.

The statue is now installed in front of Pura Melanting Pasar Badung Denpasar.

The installation took place on Wednesday, December 1, 2021, amid a drizzling rain that showered the city.

This statue depicts a standing woman holding daksina in her left hand and money (kepeng) in her right hand.

Ratu Mas Melanting is a creation of the Denpasar artist Putu Marmar Herayukti, who is known for his work on ogoh-ogoh and as a tattoo artist from Banjar Gemeh, Dauh Puri Kangin, Denpasar.

While overseeing the installation of the statue in the Badung Market area, Marmar shared his experience during the statue's creation.

He spent 7 months to complete the statue, with the first two months dedicated to planning and learning.

The following five months were spent sculpting the statue.

The initial model of the statue was created in Mas Village, Ubud, Gianyar.

The subsequent process involved casting the model into fiberglass.

Afterward, the mold was taken to Central Java for metal casting, as metal casting facilities were not available in Bali.

"This statue is made of bronze. After four months of modeling work, I spent a month in Central Java for the metal casting," he said.

Finally, the finishing touches were applied due to some imperfections in the statue.

"Why Ratu Mas Melanting? Because this statue is placed at the economic center of Denpasar, which is the Badung Market. Moreover, we know that Denpasar means 'north of the market,' where 'Den' means north. So, this market is essential for the economic sector of the community," explained Marmar.

Marmar's hope is that this statue will become an icon symbolizing prosperity for the people of Denpasar.

Through this statue, he conveys a special message related to principles in the world of trade and life, such as fairness, honesty, and quality.

"Throughout the making of this statue, I learned a lot about the values of nobility: fairness, honesty, and quality," he said.

In creating the statue, Marmar mentioned that he did not encounter many obstacles.

"Even though this is the first statue I've made, there weren't many challenges. Perhaps the universe had blessed it," he said.

He also admitted to having many spiritual experiences during the creation of the statue.

"I had many spiritual experiences, and I was often enlightened and given ease. I don't think it's a coincidence. Everything is a blessing," he added.

"This is an extraordinary experience, truly magical, because I was able to complete it well without any prior experience in making metal statues," he continued.

For your information, the statue stands at 4.5 meters in height and has a width of 1.5 meters.

Meanwhile, the Sang Kala Tri Semaya-themed statue that flanks Gajah Mada Street's bridge was created by Denpasar artist Nyoman Gede Sentana Putra, known as Kedux Garage.

The installation of this statue took place from Tuesday, November 30, 2021, at 22:30 WITA until Wednesday morning.

The installation process took approximately two hours for each statue to stand perfectly.

The creation of this statue began with a request from the Kumbasari design maker, Ketut Siandana, who asked Kedux to respond to the Gajah Mada bridge with a statue.

"I consider this bridge to be the flow of human traffic, and I thought about what kind of giant or 'boma' would be suitable," Kedux explained.

He then decided to create the statue of Sang Kala Tri Semaya. Although there are supposed to be 108 kalas, he selected two from the 108 forms and realized them as statues.

"I chose the forms that were closer to human anatomy. They don't have coiled accessories as they wouldn't be suitable in their placement. It's different from temples where there are coiled ones," Kedux stated.

Kedux added that Sang Kala Tri Semaya is a deity that descends to the world in the Kaliyuga era to protect humans.

The creation of these two statues took Kedux three months. He was assisted by some of his colleagues in carving the statue's detailed accessories, which were created in Kediri, Singapadu, Gianyar.

The statues were made using the casting process and have a height of 3 meters, with each statue weighing 3.3 tons.

The width of each statue is 120 cm, and the height of the pedestal or base of the statue is 130 cm.

"I created the form and proportions of the statues, while my friends helped with making the accessory carvings. We had a tight schedule of three months. Without their assistance, it wouldn't have been possible to finish quickly," he mentioned. The creation of these statues encountered some challenges, especially in finding the right form for the 'boma' or giant figure.

This was further complicated by the fact that this was Kedux's first attempt at creating statues.

"At first, I thought the 'boma' was simple, but after creating it, I realized there was a lot to learn. For example, the right hand holding a weapon, the raised left leg, and so on," he said.

In addition, Kedux had to study the differences in the 'boma' style in Denpasar and Bebadungan, Gianyar, from the 1970s to the 1940s.

As for the accessories or decorations of the statues, he drew inspiration from the 'Patung Catur Muka' (Statue with Four Faces).

He also drew inspiration from other statues in the Gajah Mada area, such as Pura Maospahit and Grengceng.

"Because these are all part of a whole, I wanted them to match, so I used 'Catur Muka' as a primary reference, and some other statues around Gajah Mada," he explained.

The creation of the statues was completed on the evening of Monday, November 29, 2021, and they were immediately transported to Denpasar.

For Kedux, it is important to preserve and elevate the character of Denpasar, particularly Bebadungan, to prevent it from disappearing.

"We need to preserve the character of our ancestors' creations. We shouldn't let all the buildings have an external character," he emphasized.

Therefore, in creating these statues, he tried to adhere to the Bebadungan style.


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