Lumintang dan Warna-warni Air Menari

Anak-anak bertepuk tangan. Mereka juga bersorak-sorak. Air mancur berbentuk seperti kipas yang menari dengan disinari lampu warna-warni menarik hati setiap akhir pekan. Air mancur melenggak-lenggok membentuk formasi berbeda-beda setiap detik. Tak kalah seru, ”medley” lagu anak-anak mengiringi goyangan air mancur itu.

Pemandangan ini dinantikan sejumlah warga Kota Denpasar, Bali, di Taman Kota Lumintang. Durasi dua jam cukup menghibur warga, khususnya anak-anak setiap hari Sabtu dan Minggu, mulai pukul 19.00 Wita, secara gratis.

Sejumlah anak juga spontan bernyanyi mengikuti lagu-lagu yang mengiringi air menari. Lagu anak, di antaranya ”Naik Ke Puncak Gunung”, ”Sayonara”, ”Rintik Hujan”, dan ”Burung Kakak Tua”.

Beberapa keluarga sengaja menggelar tikar untuk duduk bersantai bersama. Main sepak bola merupakan permainan favorit anak-anak di atas rumput lapangan.

Kadek Putra bersama istri dan ketiga anaknya, warga Denpasar, misalnya, hampir setiap Sabtu malam menikmati aksi air mancur menari tersebut. Bagi dia dan keluarganya, hiburan ini membantu mengurangi kejenuhan kerja dan aktivitas anak-anak sekolah.

”Sederhana, tetapi benar-benar menghibur. Seru. Anak-anak bisa sambil berlarian di rumput atau main bola. Jajanan juga banyak di sekitar lapangan. Ya, asyik saja,” kata Putra.

Senada dengan Putra, penjual balon gas, Rudi, juga senang ada hiburan yang sudah berjalan dua tahun terakhir ini. Dagangannya lumayan laris manis pada hari Sabtu dan Minggu malam.

Balon gas dijualnya Rp 10.000 per buah dengan berbagai bentuk karakter tokoh kartun, seperti Angry Bird, Mickey Mouse. Semalam Rudi bisa menjual lebih dari 10 balon. Begitu pula sejumlah pedagang makanan dan minuman.

Sebelum ada air mancur, taman kota ini serasa gersang tak terawat. Pada malam hari, meski Sabtu malam, taman sepi karena warga tak merasa aman berada di sana. Keramaian seperti jalan kaki, lari, atau sekadar nongkrong hanya ada di sore hingga menjelang petang.

Setelah diperbaiki Dinas Kebersihan dan Pertamanan Kota Denpasar dengan anggaran Rp 3 miliar, suasana berubah. Ruang publik itu kembali lahir untuk publik.

Pada malam hari, masyarakat juga bisa memanfaatkan suasana taman untuk joging. Lampu-lampu hias menjadi penerang dan melengkapi keindahan malam.

Saat olahraga lupa membawa minum? Jangan khawatir. Pemerintah setempat menyediakan fasilitas anjungan air minum otomatis (AMO) di Lumintang. Air ini siap minum.

Fasilitas lain yang tersedia, di antaranya tempat duduk pojok wi-fi dan taman burung. Setiap hari Minggu pagi, mulai pukul 06.00 Wita sampai 10.00 Wita, taman kota ini bebas kendaraan.

Perbaikan dua tahun terakhir di Taman Kota Lumintang dilakukan guna menambah bagus ruang publik di Denpasar. Sebelumnya pemerintah mempercantik lapangan Puputan Badung I Gusti Ngurah Made Agung sebagai ruang publik utama untuk aktivitas warga Denpasar. Tak jauh dari lapangan itu ada pula air mancur menari melingkari Patung Catur Muka di titik nol kilometer, tetapi bedanya tanpa lagu.

Luas taman kota sekitar 33.000 meter persegi. Lokasinya mudah dijangkau melalui jalan utama. Jaraknya sekitar 3 kilometer dari titik nol kilometer di Patung Catur Muka. Lapangan ini persis berseberangan dengan pusat perkantoran Pemerintah Kota Denpasar. Akses menuju taman mudah dengan tempat parkir luas.

Fasilitas olahraga luar ruang tersedia di Puputan Badung dan Lumintang. Ini diharapkan menjadi daya tarik agar warga mau datang, terhibur, dan sehat.

Kepala Perwakilan Bank Indonesia (BI) Provinsi Bali Causa Iman Karana mendukung upaya pemerintah kota memperbaiki taman. Taman, menurut Causa, penting sebagai rekreasi dan berpengaruh terhadap kesehatan masyarakat.

Karena itu, BI Bali melalui program tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan (CSR) membantu pengadaan alat olahraga luar ruang. Selain itu, BI juga memberikan 90 pohon trembesi dan ketapang yang ditanam di sekitar Lumintang. Diharapkan, perbaikan taman kota itu mampu berdampak pada sektor ekonomi.

Wali Kota Denpasar Ida Bagus Rai Dharmawijaya Mantra berupaya memperbaiki fasilitas publik seperti Taman Kota Lumintang. ”Ini juga salah satu wujud komitmen dari program Kota Layak Anak (KLA),” katanya, akhir Desember 2016.
Rai Mantra merencanakan Taman Kota Lumintang juga menjadi taman ekonomi kreatif dan untuk anak muda youth park. Diharapkan taman itu dapat menjadi ajang pameran dan berkreasi, khususnya anak muda.

Beberapa kali Lumintang menjadi tempat pameran produk usaha kecil dan menengah. Perlombaan pun sering digelar di lapangan itu.
Ke depan, rekreasi air mancur berbentuk kipas bakal dimanfaatkan menjadi media sosialisasi. Melalui teknologi, air berfungsi sebagai sarana yang bisa menayangkan apa pun, seperti sosialisasi program pemkot hingga segala hal berkaitan dengan kesenian Bali.

Panggung permanen dibangun sebagai tempat pementasan tari atau kesenian. Ini menjadi lapangan alternatif warga perkotaan untuk mencari dan mendapatkan hiburan serta pameran setelah Lapangan Puputan Badung.


Lumintang and Colorful Dancing Fountains

Children clap their hands and cheer. A fountain shaped like a fan that dances with colorful lights is a sight to behold every weekend. The fountain sways to form different formations every second. To add to the excitement, a medley of children's songs accompanies the fountain's sway.

This scene is eagerly awaited by some residents of Denpasar, Bali, at Lumintang City Park. The two-hour duration is enough to entertain residents, especially children, every Saturday and Sunday, starting at 7:00 PM, for free.

Some children also spontaneously sing along to the songs that accompany the dancing water. The children's songs include "Naik Ke Puncak Gunung", "Sayonara", "Rintik Hujan", and "Burung Kakak Tua".

Some families deliberately spread a mat to sit back and relax together. Playing soccer is a favorite game for children on the grass field.

Kadek Putra and his wife and three children, residents of Denpasar, for example, almost every Saturday night enjoy the action of the dancing fountain. For him and his family, this entertainment helps reduce the boredom of work and school activities for children.

"Simple, but really entertaining. Fun. Kids can run around on the grass or play ball. There are also many snacks around the field. It's just fun," said Putra.

In line with Putra, gas balloon seller Rudi is also happy that there is entertainment that has been running for the past two years. His merchandise sells well on Saturday and Sunday nights.

Gas balloons are sold for Rp 10,000 per piece in various shapes of cartoon characters, such as Angry Bird, Mickey Mouse. In one night, Rudi can sell more than 10 balloons. The same is true for a number of food and beverage vendors.

Before the fountain was built, this city park felt barren and unkempt. At night, even on Saturday night, the park was deserted because residents did not feel safe being there. The hustle and bustle of walking, running, or just hanging out was only available in the afternoon until dusk.

After being repaired by the Denpasar City Public Works and Parks Department with a budget of Rp 3 billion, the atmosphere changed. The public space was reborn for the public.

At night, people can also take advantage of the atmosphere of the park for jogging. Decorative lights provide light and complete the beauty of the night.

Forgot to bring a drink while exercising? Don't worry. The local government provides an automatic drinking water pier (AMO) in Lumintang. This water is ready to drink.

Other facilities available include seating, wi-fi corner, and bird park. Every Sunday morning, from 6:00 AM to 10:00 AM, this city park is free of vehicles.

The two-year renovation at Lumintang City Park was carried out to add to the beauty of public spaces in Denpasar. Previously, the government beautified Puputan Badung I Gusti Ngurah Made Agung field as the main public space for the activities of Denpasar residents. Not far from the field, there is also a dancing fountain that circles the Catur Muka Statue at the zero kilometer point, but the difference is that there is no song.

The city park covers an area of around 33,000 square meters. The location is easily accessible via the main road. It is about 3 kilometers from the zero kilometer point at the Catur Muka Statue. The field is located across from the Denpasar City Government office center. Access to the park is easy with ample parking.

Outdoor sports facilities are available in Puputan Badung and Lumintang. This is expected to be an attraction for residents to come, be entertained, and be healthy.

The Head of the Bank Indonesia (BI) Representative Office in Bali, Causa Iman Karana, supports the city government's efforts to improve the park. According to Causa, parks are important for recreation and have an impact on public health.
Therefore, BI Bali through its corporate social responsibility (CSR) program helped provide outdoor sports equipment. In addition, BI also provided 90 trembesi and ketapang trees that were planted around Lumintang. It is hoped that the improvement of the city park will be able to have an impact on the economic sector.

Mayor of Denpasar Ida Bagus Rai Dharmawijaya Mantra is working to improve public facilities such as Lumintang City Park. "This is also one of the embodiments of the commitment of the Child-Friendly City (KLA) program," he said at the end of December 2016.

Rai Mantra plans to make Lumintang City Park also a creative economy park and youth park. It is hoped that the park can be a forum for exhibitions and creativity, especially for young people.

Lumintang has been used several times as a venue for exhibitions of products from small and medium enterprises. Competitions are also often held on the field.

In the future, the fan-shaped fountain recreation will be used as a means of socialization. Through technology, water can be used as a medium to display anything, such as socialization of city government programs to everything related to Balinese arts.

A permanent stage will be built as a place for dance or art performances. This will become an alternative venue for urban residents to find and enjoy entertainment and exhibitions after Puputan Badung Field.

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