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- Rumah Sanur
Denpasar semakin populer dengan munculnya berbagai creative hub di tengah kota. Rumah Sanur salah satu ruang kreatif paling digemari di Denpasar, terletak di Jalan Danau Poso. Ini adalah pusat industri kreatif untuk memfasilitasi anak-anak muda berkreasi.
Rumah Sanur adalah simpul kreatif dengan aneka fasilitas yang bisa dijumpai, seperti Kedai Kopi Kultur, open co-working, Teras Gandum Beer Garden & Kitchen, To-Ko Concept Store, aneka program dan kegiatan kreatif.
Kopi Kultur menjadi spot favorit pengunjung di Rumah Sanur. Secangkir kopi di sini dihargai mulai dari Rp 25.000.
Rumah Sanur tempat favorit berkumpulnya komunitas-komunitas di Bali. Mereka bertemu dan bersantai, sembari menelurkan ide-ide kreatif.
Anak-anak muda ini menganggap Rumah Sanur sebagai rumah ketiga, setelah rumah dan kantor. Sering kali mereka membawa pekerjaan dari kantor dan menyelesaikannya di sini, apalagi ada sarana pendukung, seperti ruang meeting yang bisa digunakan untuk seminar, presentasi, workshop, dan pameran kecil.
Rumah Sanur didirikan 2015 oleh Ayip Budiman, Roberto Aria Putra, dan William Sutiyoso. Tempat ini diperuntukkan untuk komunitas kreatif lokal, pelaku usaha kecil mikro, wirausahawan, seniman, desainer, dan pelaku usaha rintisan (startup). Visi tiga sahabat ini adalah menyatukan orang-orang berbakat, menelurkan kreativitas, mendorong inovasi sosial, dan tempat berbagi pengalaman serta ilmu pengetahuan.
Ribuan kegiatan dan program acara pernah diadakan di Rumah Sanur. Skalanya lokal, nasional, hingga internasional, seperti Chiang Mai Design Week sejak 2016. Pada 2017, melalui hibah Badan Ekonomi Kreatif (Bekraf), Rumah Sanur menjadi ruang kreatif yang dapat diakses kaum disabilitas di Bali. Jalan khusus, toilet, hingga fasilitas parkir yang sangat ramah bisa diakses para difabel.
Denpasar is becoming increasingly popular with the emergence of various creative hubs in the city center. Rumah Sanur is one of the most popular creative spaces in Denpasar, located on Jalan Danau Poso. It is a creative industry center to facilitate young people to be creative.
Rumah Sanur is a creative hub with various facilities that can be found, such as Kedai Kopi Kultur, open co-working, Teras Gandum Beer Garden & Kitchen, To-Ko Concept Store, and various creative programs and activities.
Kopi Kultur has become a favorite spot for visitors at Rumah Sanur. A cup of coffee here is priced starting from IDR 25,000.
Rumah Sanur is a favorite place for communities in Bali to gather. They meet and relax, while brainstorming creative ideas.
These young people consider Rumah Sanur as their third home, after home and office. They often bring work from the office and complete it here, especially since there are supporting facilities, such as meeting rooms that can be used for seminars, presentations, workshops, and small exhibitions.
Rumah Sanur was founded in 2015 by Ayip Budiman, Roberto Aria Putra, and William Sutiyoso. This place is intended for local creative communities, micro-small business actors, entrepreneurs, artists, designers, and startup businesses. The vision of these three friends is to unite talented people, spawn creativity, encourage social innovation, and a place to share experiences and knowledge.
Thousands of activities and events have been held at Rumah Sanur. The scale is local, national, to international, such as Chiang Mai Design Week since 2016. In 2017, through a grant from the Creative Economy Agency (Bekraf), Rumah Sanur became a creative space that can be accessed by people with disabilities in Bali. Special roads, toilets, to very friendly parking facilities can be accessed by people with disabilities.
Rumah Sanur is a valuable asset to the creative community in Denpasar. It provides a space for people to come together, collaborate, and share their talents. The space is also accessible to people with disabilities, which makes it even more inclusive.
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