World of Magic

World of Magic Bali merupakan wahana rumah sulap pertama di dunia yang dibuka sejak Juni 2017. Pertunjukannya berbeda dengan pertunjukan sulap yang biasa dilakukan para ilusionis di televisi.

World of Magic Bali terletak di Jalan Raya By Pass Ngurah Rai Nomor 100, Pemogan, Denpasar. Siapa saja bisa menjadi pesulap dadakan saat masuk ke dalam wahana interaktif ini.

Pengunjung akan bertualang dari ruangan ke ruangan. Ada sekitar 10 ruangan pertunjukan sulap.
Pada dua ruangan pertama, pengunjung bisa berswafoto dengan aneka properti sulap. Di ruangan lainnya pengunjung diajak menonton atraksi sulap dari magician.

Seorang pemandu akan menemani perjalanan pengunjung. Rata-rata ada dua trik sulap yang digunakan magician pada satu ruangan. Durasi pertunjukannya 45 menit, rata-rata 5-7 menit per ruangan dengan kapasitas sekitar 10 orang penonton. 

Tema setiap ruangan berbeda-beda, sehingga pengunjung akan terpukau dengan trik yang digunakan. Ada The History of Magic Room, Grim Reaper Room, Do It Your Self (DIY) Room, Dizy Tunnel, Show Time Room, Egyptian Room, Winter Room, Levitation Room, Las Vegas Room, serta play ground.

Magician akan membongkar tiga rahasia sulap di ruangan terakhir. Pengunjung bisa mempraktikkan dan mengabadikan atraksi percobaan mereka.

Puas berfoto dan menyaksikan atraksi sulap, pengunjung sesampainya di pintu keluar akan memasuki area toko yang menjual berbagai properti sulap. Barang-barang yang dijual adalah perlengkapan sulap yang rata-rata dipraktikkan magician di ruang pertunjukan sebelumnya. Tak perlu bingung sebab sudah ada petunjuk di dalamnya, bahkan ada instruksi berupa video.

Tiket masuk World of Magic Bali Rp 150.000 untuk dewasa dan Rp 75.000 untuk anak-anak. Anak di bawah dua tahun masuk gratis. Jam operasionalnya mulai 09.00 WITA hingga 21.00 WITA.


World of Magic Bali is the first magic house in the world that opened since June 2017. The show is different from the usual magic shows performed by illusionists on television.

World of Magic Bali is located on Jalan Raya By Pass Ngurah Rai Nomor 100, Pemogan, Denpasar. Anyone can become a magician on the spot when entering this interactive attraction.

Visitors will embark on an adventure from room to room. There are about 10 magic show rooms.

In the first two rooms, visitors can take selfies with various magic props. In the other rooms, visitors are invited to watch magic performances from magicians.
A guide will accompany the visitors' journey. On average, there are two magic tricks used by the magician in one room. The duration of the show is 45 minutes, with an average of 5-7 minutes per room with a capacity of about 10 spectators.

The theme of each room is different, so visitors will be amazed by the tricks used. There are The History of Magic Room, Grim Reaper Room, Do It Yourself (DIY) Room, Dizy Tunnel, Show Time Room, Egyptian Room, Winter Room, Levitation Room, Las Vegas Room, and play ground.

The magician will reveal three magic secrets in the last room. Visitors can practice and capture their experimental attractions.

After taking pictures and watching magic performances, visitors will enter the store area selling various magic props when they arrive at the exit. The items sold are magic supplies that are generally practiced by magicians in the previous performance room. No need to be confused because there are instructions inside, even video instructions.

The entrance ticket to World of Magic Bali is IDR 150,000 for adults and IDR 75,000 for children. Children under two years old are free. The operating hours are from 09.00 WITA to 21.00 WITA.

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